Applying for a payday loan is simple when you use iCashLoans! You can quickly and easily apply for a loan of $100 up to $1000 from the privacy of your home. All you have to do is provide us with basic information, which we will use to match you with lenders that offer loans to meet your unique needs. After being approved by a lender, you will be provided with the terms of the loan, and if you accept them it won’t be long before your money is deposited into your bank account!
Our payday lenders do have a few requirements to issue a loan. They include:
- Being at least 18 years old
- Employed at the same job for the last 30 days
- A valid checking account
- Earning at least $800 each month
You will also have to provide your home and work phone numbers, along with an email address.
How to Apply
After submitting your information to iCashLoans, we will instantly search our large network of payday lenders to find the best match. If approved, you will then have the opportunity to review the terms of the loan. In some cases, lenders may ask for additional information from you.
Fast Cash is Secure
Our site uses state of the art 256 bit SSL encryption protocol while handling your data. You can feel comfortable providing your personal information when applying for a loan with one of our lenders- we guarantee that our site is fully secure 24 hours a day.
Automatic Payments
For your convenience, your loan payments will be automatically taken out of your bank account. You will never have to worry about sending a check, or logging into a website to make a payment.
Implications of Late Payments
Every lender on our network determines their own policies in regards to late payments. Please review the loan terms to become familiar with the late payment policy before committing to a loan.
Renewal Policy
Obtaining a loan extension, also known as a rollover, is dependent upon the lender and the laws of your state. If extensions are permitted by law, lender may charge a substantially higher amount when repaying the loan.
Defaulting on a Loan
If you fail to make payments on your payday loan you can expect repercussions from your lender. We strive to work with lenders that use legal and fair practices when collecting on unpaid loans. Failure to payoff your loan according to the original terms will typically result in additional fees, and possibly legal actions.
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